Stoperaplein room

House full

Part of the exhibition was a display of several photos from the exhibition on billboards that served as promotion for House of Hiv.

On the Stoperaplein in front of the city hall, stood six panels with twelve photos that tell us a lot about the history of the Dutch HIV community

Caught in the four themes (fighting, caring, remembering and healing), we have selected twelve photos that serve as a moment of contemplation and as a business card for the rest of the exhibition.

Images of drag queen Nicky Nicole, who was photographed by Erwin Olaf for the Speelset, one of the HIV prevention projects from the nineties of the then Schorerstichting.

There was also a quilt (aggregate flag) that was made with the help of the artist Lalo Fernandez for the clients and buddies of Schorer Buddy Zorg.

House of HIv documentatie 6727
Photo Henri Blommers
House of HIv documentatie 6725
Photo Henri Blommers
House of HIv documentatie 6729
Photo Henri Blommers
House of HIv documentatie 6728
Photo Henri Blommers