hello gorgeous room

House full

hello gorgeous is a small community organization that moves mountains in the fight against HIV stigma.

House of Hiv – House of hello gorgeous

The room of hello gorgeous was displayed in the old squatters complex Tetterode. The queer disco  De Trut is part of Tetterode and was the place where Act Up! Amsterdam was founded in 1990.

From the start of the epidemic in our country, the then called gay movement managed to influence AIDS policy, and education about HIV and AIDS was done for gay men by gay men. Gay health organizations packaged the safe sex message in leaflets, workshops, campaigns and even in a porn video. This resulted in high-profile campaigns in Amsterdam’s nightlife in the 1990s.

However, the fact that gays had a lot of influence was no guarantee that everything would turn out well. The activism of Act Up! Amsterdam was needed to ensure that the rights of people living with HIV and AIDS were paramount.

Our room was called Night Sweat and tells how gay men shaped their own education and honors the activism of Act Up! and the activists inspired by it.

Meet Eric and André, the founders of Act Up! Amsterdam, with Tanne, Martin, !Niet Slikken! the Safe Sex Guerrilla, Elias of Secret Garden and other activists.

poz and proud 7556 kopie
Poz&Proud boat Pride Amsterdam (photo Henri Blommers)

Photos of the exhibition:

House of HIv documentatie 6698
House of HIv documentatie 6695

Read more about hello gorgeous